April 2022
Litter Pick
For World Earth Day we held a litter pick at Alvaston Park in Derby where we collected 16 bags of litter and recorded 1556 pieces of plastic with Kids Against Plastic. Thanks too to our colleagues at the Rotary Club of Derby, who co-ordinated the event
June 2021
Important Message from Safe & Sound
Safe and Sound is Derbyshire's long-established and specialist child exploitation charity. We protect and support children and young people affected by exploitation which includes online grooming, sexual exploitation, trafficking, drugs, modern slavery and radicalisation.
We also support the wider families and work across communities to raise awareness of the dangers facing children and young people.
Part of this role is to raise awareness amongst businesses and organisations so that people from all walks of life can better understand about child exploitation, more readily recognise the early signs of grooming and hopefully have the confidence to ask for help.
Why is this issue of importance to your business?
Official research, crime figures and our own charity's grassroots experience proves that any child or young person is at risk of exploitation - regardless of their age, sex, family situation, social or cultural background.
Therefore, you or any friend and colleague could potentially be affected by the stress and torment of child exploitation in family life which, understandably, would affect their performance at work.
What is child exploitation?
Child exploitation is a devastating crime with long term, far-reaching consequences for the young person, their family, friends and the local community.
All forms of exploitation involve an imbalance of power in the relationship that allows an abuser to take advantage of a young person. This may be due to a disability, a difference in age or because they hold something a young person wants or needs - money, alcohol, or affliction are just some examples.
Exploitation often begins without the victim realising - a process known as 'grooming'. This is when the abuser builds a relationship, trust and emotional connections with the young person so that they can manipulate them later to do what they want whether that is sexual, drug-related or other involvement in criminal activity. 70-80% of grooming starts online.
The end result is that a child can be trapped in their situation with blackmail, guilt or simply being too frightened to tell anyone. Many do not understand they've been groomed, so can often experience conflicted feelings of loyalty, admiration and love alongside fear, distress and confusion.
What you can do
The most important thing that every parent and carer can do in this digital age is to put in place the highest privacy settings on a young person's social media channels as online grooming is fast becoming a perpetrators first port of call to target a child or young person.
Please visit our website www.safeandsoundgroup.org.uk to learn more about privacy settings, the danger signs of exploitation and what help and support is available to people and families.
Book an awareness workshop for your staff. These can take an hour-two hours and can be recorded for wider circulation within your organisation.
Thank you for taking the time to read this briefing and I hope that you agree that raising awareness of child exploitation is an important part of your overall efforts to safeguard the well-being of yourself and your colleagues.
Tracy Harrison
CEO, Safe and Sound
June 2021
Environment Update & Litter Pick

The Rotary Foundation recently approved adding a new area of focus: Supporting the environment.
Supporting the environment becomes Rotary's seventh area of focus, which are categories of service activities supported by global grants.
It joins peace building and conflict prevention; disease prevention and treatment; water, sanitation, and hygiene; maternal and child health; basic education and literacy; and community economic development.
Creating a distinct area of focus to support the environment will give Rotary members even more ways to bring about positive change in the world and increase our impact.
In recognition of the new area of focus, the club recently announced that Gail Cox will be the club’s new Environmental Officer and will oversee future environmental projects that the club become involved with.
As a start, the club had a very successful litter pick near the Meteor Retail Park in Derby last weekend. Nine members and friends collected an astonishing 17 full bags of rubbish in a 90 minute period
Thanks go to the Co-operative store in Mackworth for providing much of the collection equipment and as a result, it is planned that the next litter pick will take place in Mackworth.
Club Joint President, Jane Cryer thanked all those who helped out.
May 2021
Medical Detection Dogs
The club raised funds throughout 2020/21 to support Medical Detection Dogs.
This world leading, UK based charity, trains dogs to save lives. This is achieved using Medical Alert Assistance and Bio -Detection Dogs, both of which can be trained to detect the scent of life-threatening medical conditions that could affect us all.
Medical Alert Assistance Dogs save lives on a daily basis and restore confidence and independence for clients and their families.
World-leading Bio-Detection Dogs continue to provide revolutionary evidence of the smells associated with life- threatening conditions.
Welfare of the dogs is paramount .It is essential to ensure the dogs are happy and in good shape.
One necessary aspect is regular flea and worming treatments. Donations from Derby Daybreak Rotary, will provide flea and worm treatment for 14 dogs for a year.
Medical Alert Assistance Dogs are trained to support people with life-threatening health conditions, saving their lives on a daily basis and helping the NHS by avoiding hospital admission.
The dogs are currently working for people with:
- ·Type 1 diabetes
- ·Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS)
- ·Addison’s Disease
- ·Severe allergies
- ·Other endocrine disorders
- ·Episodes of sudden health deterioration
Derby Daybreak Rotary would like to take this opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to everyone helped raise funds over the last year by supporting quizzes, treasure hunts, sweepstakes and virtual balloon races. Also, a ‘thank you’ to Rotary Foundation for the UK grant of £500.
December 2020
Santa Sleigh

The club entered into the brave new world (for us anyway) of operating a Santa Sleigh around the Derby suburb of Mackworth from 19th to 23rd December.
Running in partnership with an scheme previously operated by Jayne Lewis and her colleagues, club members donned their Santa and elf outfits and endured the cold and often wet December nights to raise money for local charities.
And wow - did they do everyone proud!
Over the five days, the Santa Sleigh was generously supported by the residents of Mackworth and £1,644 was raised, despite the social distancing measures that prevented close contact with the resident
Half of the money raised will be used to support the appeal to rebuild All Saints Church in Mackworth that was badly ravaged by fire in an alleged arson attack earlier in the month..
The other 50% will be used to support a range of charitable organisations in the Derby area.
The club would like to thank the people of Mackworth for supporting the cause so generously and in doing so giving us the confidence to make this an annual event.
Special thanks also to club member Merv Sheldon who undertook a huge amount of preparatory work to resurrect the sleigh and to deal with the plethora of practical tasks and paperwork required to put the show on the road.
Other fundraising efforts over the Christmas period included an online quiz organised by Club joint president Nicky Smith that raised £155 and a Farm Quiz organised by immediate past president, Sue Cook that raised £160. Well done to both of you!
December 2020
KidsOut Christmas Toy Boxes
Derby Daybreak Rotary Club has teamed up with national children’s charity KidsOut to provide Christmas presents to survivors of domestic violence. Children who are living in refuges across the Derby and East Midlands area will receive a box of brand-new toys and games to enjoy over the upcoming festive period.
Christmas is always tough for families in refuge, with this year set to be harder than usual because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Most children arrive at refuge with only the clothes on their back, restricted to a single room with their mother and siblings. Mothers struggle to provide basic essentials, let alone toys for their children at Christmas.
Jane Cryer Joint President said “Christmas is all about the Children and spreading joy in dark and uncertain times. We have heard so much in the news about increases in domestic violence that we wanted to bring some happiness to children who find themselves in difficulties. We are hugely indebted to Nine Dots Development who played an enormous part in helping us to provide so many boxes .
Derby Daybreak Rotary Club is part of a nationwide campaign to provide a Rotary Christmas Toy Box to ‘Every Refuge, Every Child’.
Thanks to local fundraising efforts, Derby Daybreak Rotary Club will be funding 55 boxes of brand-new toys to help support children’s mental health and make the world a little kinder. Each box will contain over £80 worth of gender/age appropriate toys designed to promote social and educational development and family bonding. The boxes will be packed by KidsOut and distributed straight to refuge for mothers to give to their children in time for Christmas.
“We are so excited to be teaming up with the Derby Daybreak Rotary Club for our brand-new Rotary Christmas Toy Box initiative,” said Sandra Doherty, Head of Children’s Services at KidsOut. “The children we support often have very few possessions of their own and these toys will provide comfort, happiness, and Christmas joy in difficult times.”
The Rotary Christmas Toy Box project is taking place with local groups all over the UK. KidsOut aims to ensure that every child in refuge receives a box of brand-new toys this festive season. Members of the public are invited to help with this and take part in KidsOut’s Giving Tree, the charity’s annual Christmas toy appeal. For more information, please visit www.kidsout.org.uk.
October 2020
Goboka Rwanda Trust
Heather Thomas recently enlightened club members about the work of the Goboka Rwanda Trust
The Goboka Rwanda Trust is a small UK charity set up in 2009 to raise funds to ort and help the people of Rwanda by delivering projects to help the Rwandan people, their families and communities.
The Trust was established after Heather made a journey to Rwanda in 2008 to witness the work of The Peace, Building, Healing and Reconciliation Programme (PHARP)
Working in partnership with key organisations and individuals in Rwanda and the UK, the Trust’s primary objective is to provide funding support for the development of grass-roots projects.
By combining a deep understanding of local need, with the strength of well-chosen partners, the Trust is able to deliver support where it is needed most.
Run entirely by volunteers, the Trust encourages people to get involved with its work through many roles opportunities and enriching experiences thereby helping the Rwandan people towards a future of promise.
The Sewing Machines Scheme
The sewing scheme has students coming in each day to learn ,under the guidance of a trained seamstress, to make clothing, aprons, bags and stuffed animals – elephants ,giraffe, rhino.
Training is one year, after which time students graduate with a Certificate stating they have attained semi-professional level enabling them to obtain employment in some of the country’s sewing houses.
What they really aspire to, however, is to have a sewing machine of their own as this will give them a job for life as they can work from home .

A sewing machine ensures a future career, even when a young woman marries and has a family - and for someone who has worked hard over the past year to learn a new skill, such a gift can be truly life-changing.
Some of the past trainees themselves are helping in today’s sewing scheme .One young man is now a professional tailor.
£100 is the cost of providing a machine, cottons and materials enabling trained students to produce beautifully coloured padded shopping bags, bags-in-a-bag, aprons, stuffed elephants and giraffe
These incredibly popular sewing goods sell very quickly - when brought back to the Trust in the UK and provides a source of income for the machinists .
Rotary Club of Derby Daybreak decided to raise £100 via a Great British Bake Off Sweepstake thereby providing the funds to purchase a sewing machine.
Four members of the club visited Heather in Bakewell to present the cheque.
Giving in to Temptation
Heather was very welcoming and at our request had put out for display the bags and stuffed animals which were so lovely that we gave in to temptation and made purchases for personal use and gifts.
Additionally we also chose to personally support the donation of chickens and bees.
Chickens are a welcome gift to poor families. Ownership of any animal however small can raise the status of the owner plus eggs are a very valued commodity.
The Bee scheme supports use of bee hives over hollow logs thus making honey collection easier and ensures the bees are in a protected environment .
In total a further contribution of £236 was made to the Goboka Rwanda Trust.
Thank you to you all who supported the Great British bake Off Sweepstake – still in progress so no winner yet – as this purchased a sewing machine.
September 2020
Derby MS Activity Centre
Late in 2018 Paul from Derby MS Activity Centre shared with us the history behind the Derby MS Society and the asset the activity centre is to those with MS and for their carers too.
The Derby MS Society with the help of the Lilian Prime Trust, opened in 2005 to provide an information and support centre for people affected by multiple sclerosis. The Centre has become one of the most important centres of its kind in the Midlands and its importance and range of services continue to expand.
Pre COVID 19 the centre has been open three days a week offering a wide range of therapies and exercise classes, alongside support and physiotherapy for people affected by MS and their Carers and family members.
There are no membership requirements or geographic boundaries; everyone is welcome for a cup of tea and a chat.
Accordingly, the club has elected to donate £250 to Derby MS Activity Centre as a contribution towards purchase of window blinds for the main reception, exercise area and two therapy rooms, as can be seen in the following photographs.
July 2020
Refugee Clothing Appeal
It was teamwork in action when Derby Daybreak Rotary Club joined forces with the Derby Rotary Club in a joint appeal for clothing for refugees.
A large number of items were donated through the appeal and the Midland Hotel in Derby kindly offered their facilities for sorting and packaging the clothing for onward distribution.
Pictured below is Derby Daybreak Joint President, Jane Cryer together with Sue Waters, housekeeper at the Midland Hotel, sorting through the donated clothing.
Also pictured are members of the two Derby Rotary clubs with the fruits of their efforts
March 2020
Safe & Sound Butterfly Appeal
Safe and Sound, one of the charities supported by monthly donations from Rotary Club of Derby Daybreak, visited the club to share details on their Butterfly Appeal. This marked the start of Safe & Sound’s new vision to expand and develop services across Derbyshire, to help many more young people in desperate need of support.
An alarming statistic is that one in 20 children experience sexual abuse including sexual exploitation. The Butterfly Appeal Safe and Sound is the only charity working on the ground in neighbourhoods across Derbyshire and has been leading the way since 2002 supporting thousands of victims, including those from landmark cases like Operation Retriever.
Currently around 100 children are supported every year but there are many more young people in need of our help. They are waking up every day feeling petrified that they will be forced to take part in a sexual act they do not want to, they feel worthless, ashamed and alone.
In order to help then more specialist staff on the ground are required to reach more children, run an outreach team late at night when and where children are most at risk and help them on their difficult journeys back to self-respect through specialist PTSD therapies.
Rotary Club of Derby Daybreak have donated £600, in addition to a monthly donation, with the aim of £500 funding a therapist and the remaining £100 to fund a hot meal and drink for 10 vulnerable young people.
March 2020
Sue Cook recognised as a Paul Harris Fellow
It was with immense pride that Immediate Past President, Sue Cook was recently presented with a Paul Harris Fellow award.
The Paul Harris Fellow Award is the highest honour a club can bestow on a person.
The award acknowledges "service above self" which that individual has offered to their community,
Sue has dedicated much of her post-retirement life to Rotary activities through organising fund raising events, creating partnerships with charitable organisations and arranging social events for the club.
She has been tireless in promoting the values of Rotary in the local community and has been at the forefront of and the driving force behind much of the club’s activities.
The award is richly deserved and the presentation made to Sue by current Club President, Graham Prince was warmly welcomed by club members at their latest meeting.
March 2020
SSAFA, The Armed Forces Charity
Derby Daybreak Rotary Club recently donated £250 to Derbyshire SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity.
Their support covers both regulars and reserves in the Royal Navy, the Royal Marines, the British Army and the Royal Air Force and their families, including anyone who has completed National Service. They are all entitled to lifelong support from SSAFA, no matter how long they have served.
Recent research shows that service leavers aged 25-64 need more specialised support. The challenges they face are complex – from low income to life-changing injuries or hidden wounds, like depression or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Armed with this information, SSAFAis improving our services for younger, working-age veterans, and we will make sure they know we’re here when they need us. In 2018 SSAFA helped more than 82 000 people and in 2019 Derbyshire the local SSAFA helped nearly 700 people.
March 2020
Marie Curie
Our club regularly supports the Marie Curie organisation in collecting during their annual daffodil appeal in March. This year we have also donated a further £180 which will provide nine hours of nursing support in someone's home through the night, bringing the expert care and comfort families need.
Marie Curie provides care and support to people with terminal illnesses and their families. Established in 1948, there are a range of ways Marie Curie can help from clear, useful information about living with a terminal illness to expert nursing care at home.
For those recently diagnosed with a terminal illness Marie Curie is able to provide information about coping with your feelings, talking to family and friends, and getting support.
They can help you plan ahead and make the most of the time you have.
They offer information for people looking after someone with a terminal illness and also with practical information about benefits and finances for people who are ill and their carers’.
And they are there with practical information and emotional support for people who have been bereaved.
February 2020
Derby Winter Ales Festival
We enjoyed another great year collecting at the Derby Winter Ales Festival, raising just over £4,600 for our charitable causes.
As in previous years, Club members operating on a rota system, operated a bucket collection and also manned a drinking glasses returns table.
Visitors to the Festival were in their usual generous mood as they departed from the amazing Derby Roundhouse venue and enabled the club to reach another fantastic sum.
February 2020
Inside Out (based at St Peter’s Church)
We supported the activity of Inside Out by donating £250, which will go towards their weekly engagement activities, which helps them form friendship and settle into the area
Inside Out provides participants with the opportunity to identify and unlock potential and focuses on confidence building, values, emotions, attitudes and behaviour.
Members meet weekly with their mentor who supports them with accommodation needs, accessing work and sustaining employment.
They engage in weekly programme of activities including enrichment day based at St Peter’s to build community, share meals and join in activities from sport to community work
February 2020
Doorways Derby
We were delighted to help Doorways Derby with a donation of 2 large flasks and five sleeping bags.
Doorways Derby is group of community volunteers who dedicate several evenings a week to go onto the streets of Derby to provide hot and cold food, drinks, clothing, bedding and social interaction for the homeless, rough sleepers, and vulnerable people who need our help.
Food is generously donated from many people and organisations within the City, and they have a number of volunteers who support them with the hot and cold food preparation on a regular basis.
Since starting in May 2015, Doorsteps Derby has built up a close bond with many of the people who need their support through taking time just to listen to what they want to tell them.
They are also committed to complementing and working with the other agencies and organisations within the City who have responsibilities for the homeless and rough sleeper population.
February 2020
APS Support UK
The Club donated £300 to APS Support UK, to go towards Phil Godfrey’s APS awareness and fundraising campaign.
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune disease which affects the blood and its ability to clot. The clotting can affect any vein, artery or organ in the body and the consequences can include potentially fatal conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, and DVTs.
Phil is fundraising in memory of his lovely wife Christine who had APS and his efforts have allowed the organisation to launch the first ever GP eLearning training course about antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) with the Royal College of GPs.
Phil has done such a great job and, thanks to the support of people and groups like ours, we have been able to set up our new research fund that aims to further scientific research into APS. Our donation will help them continue with this project.
January 2020
Donation to cover Child's Holiday
DCHC have thanked the Rotary Club of Derby Daybreak for their recent donation which will cover a holiday for a child.
The money donated was raised from various fundraising events such as stalls at the hospital, collecting at the Derby Winter Beer festival, a pop & sports quiz and also at an autumn fair.
The Derby Day Break Rotary Club has also supplied Easter eggs and small toiletries and sun cream for the children at the Centre over the last few years.
A DCHC spokesperson said, “DCHC would like to thank you for your generosity and continuous support”.
January 2020
New Aerial Mast for Derby Mountain Rescue
Derby Daybreak Rotary Club has purchased a much needed new mast for the Derby Mountain Rescue Team.
Derby Mountain Rescue became concerned about the shortage of members able to drive their Incident Control Vehicle with it being over 3.5 tonnes in weight with only a handful of older members have licences that permit them to drive it.
This vehicle is their main base when on a search operation. It is where the incident is planned and managed and forms the central hub of communications between team members on the hill and the search management team. They always have to travel to the location of any incident and as time goes by, the pool of drivers will diminish leaving a headache of how to get enough younger members licensed to drive the vehicle unless they sit another test.
A project was launched to reduce the weight of the vehicle so that we have a much larger pool of drivers to be able to drive without having to pay for specialist licenses.
One major weight issue was the heavy steel mast and the antenna that sits on top of it, as well as the hydraulic pump used to raise the mast 40 feet into the air that is necessary to maintain communications.
The solution has been to replace it with a lightweight extendable mast that can be raised single-handedly without need for mechanical assistance, along with a new lighter and more efficient antenna.
Together they provide coverage equal to the much heavier and taller units they replace.
A bonus is that the new mast and antenna are so light that they can be carried onto the hill to set up a remote communication outpost if required, such as when the only vehicle location is in a communications black hole.
DMR thanked Derby Daybreak Rotary for our kind donation, which has allowed them to meet the significant costs of this replacement and help make sure the team’s capabilities are fit to meet future challenges.
September 2019
Cake Stall
Our annual cake stall at the Royal Derby Hospital was another roaring success
With an assortment of cakes made by club members and some super biscuits provided by Morley Hayes, we made a profit of almost £340 towards our nominated charities.
Club President Graham Prince said, " A great result, thanks again for all the helpers manning the stall and to all of our bakers."
June 2019
New Club Officers
It was club ‘handover’ day on 20th June, when our new Club President, Graham Prince received his chain of office.
Graham took over the reins from outgoing President, Sue Cook whilst his position was filled by Junior Vice President, Jane Cryer.
Sue made a huge impression during her two-year stint as President, working tirelessly in raising the profile of Rotary whilst generating funds for the Club’s charitable causes.
Her efforts were marked by club members, who presented her with a number of gifts in thanks for her achievements in leading our vibrant club to continued success in serving the local community.
Photo: Graham with new Senior Vice President, Jane Cryer
June 2019
Hydrotilt Chairs

The Rotary Club of Derby Daybreak selected Derby Hospitals Charity, now Derby & Burton Hospitals Charity , as its main charity for two years .
Through a meeting with Derby Hospital Choir, Derby Daybreak learnt of the need for new design hydrotilt orthopaedic chairs. The initial aim was to purchase two of these much needed chairs.
The great news is that by working together, pooling funds , gaining a grant and receiving discount on a multiple order the two groups have managed to purchase SIX hydrotilt chairs for the Orthopaedic wards , four at Royal Derby Hospital and two at Burton Hospital
Patients benefit greatly from early mobilisation post -surgery. Delays in getting patients out of bed is associated with poor function at 2 and 6 months.
These specifically designed multi- functional hydrotilt chairs offer benefits over standard chairs.
These benefits include easy reclining to keep the patient safely in the chair, cushioning to offer important comfort for frail and repairing bones, elevation of the feet to alleviate swelling lower limbs , and ease of mobility allowing for patients to be wheeled to day rooms and out for fresh air.
Derby Daybreak and Derby Hospital Choir raised the funds via quiz nights , an Indian Charity Supper , bucket collections at Derby Winter Ale festival , hospital cake stalls , Autumn and Christmas fairs and joining in the 5km Jingle Jog .
Additionally Derby Hospital Choir delivered an amazing concert at the Cathedral.
All of these activities couple with a Rotary UK grant raised £10,500 .The supplier of the chairs offered a discount enabling SIX chairs to be purchased resulting in patients on three orthopaedic wards benefitting.
Anna Cuthbert, Operational Coordinator for Trauma and Orthopaedics at Royal Derby Hospital, is excited to receive the chairs and start using them with patients, “You can’t underestimate how valuable these chairs are going to be for the recovery of these patients.”
“Derby Hospitals Choir perform one annual concert for a chosen beneficiary based at the Hospital, I am always proud of the effort our members make for such a worthy cause” said Louise Hill, Chairman, Derby Hospitals Choir.
Sue Cook President of Derby Daybreak Rotary club said “Having fun whilst raising funds for charities and the community is one aspect of Rotary and it is fantastic that so many will benefit from these much needed special chairs.”
March 2019
20th Anniversary Celebration
Current and former members of the club gathered at Mickleover Golf Club to celebrate the club's 20th anniversary.
Inaugural member, Sheila Taylor recounted the difficulties in originally setting up the club and recalled a number of humorous anecdotes about the trials and tribulations of the formative days of the club.
Current Club President, Sue Cook thanked the organising committee for organising the event, particularly June Green for decorating the room and tables in Rotary colours and also for organising the superb commemorative cake.
An excellent buffet was provided by the venue and a superb array of background music was supplied by member, Frank Pritchard.
Sue raised a toast to the club and hoped that the club would remain healthy and strong for the next 20 years.
February 2019
Derby Winter Ales Festival
The Rotary Club of Derby Daybreak was honoured to have been chosen once again as one of the fundraising partners of the 15th Derby CAMRA Winter Beer Festival. With great delight, Derby Daybreak members, spent four fun afternoons and evenings with collecting buckets in the entrance to the Roundhouse during the course of the festival.
Last year, generous donations helped to give a lifeline to local people with sight loss via sponsorship of RNIB talking book, to purchase new hydrotilt orthopaedic chairs and help toward cancer treatment.
Once again, caring beer festival attendees gave generously raising a tremendous £4555 which Derby Daybreak will use to support
- The Nightingale Macmillan Unit,
- Derby Burton Hospital charities and in particular to their DART appeal
- Derbyshire Children’s Holiday Centre in Skegness
Many thanks must go to all staff and volunteers at the Derby Beer Festival for making this happen. Big thanks too, on behalf of the charities, to all those who donated. Without you our sponsorship of these charities would not be achievable
As in previous years, people found it in their hearts (and pockets) to support our fundraising effort and contribute toward helping to provide palliative care to those with life limiting illnesses, assist toward cancer treatment which can touch us all in some way throughout our lives and provide Derbyshire children having trouble in their home lives with a week long holiday in Skegness
On behalf of the Rotary Club of Derby Daybreak, many thanks go to the organisers of the Derby CAMRA Winter Beer Festival and all donating attendees.
Sue Cook, President
June 2018
Club raises £2,500 for RNIB
The Club has raised £2,500 for the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB).
The money raised will enable RNIB to produce a new title for its Talking Books service, which provides over one million audio books every year free-of-charge to people who have difficulty in reading standard print.
Club President, Sue Cook said: “Having previously worked with a local sight loss charity and seen the impact of sight loss on some of my family members, I learnt the importance of RNIB Talking Books through a talk at the Rotary Club.
“We wanted to, in the words of RNIB, be part of offering ‘another voice in the house helping to break the silence and loneliness and open a window into a world of sight”.
The Club raised money for an adult’s Talking Book by organising a variety of fundraising events, including a sports quiz, a collection at Derby Beer Festival, hosting an Indian supper at Spice Lounge, as well as a Christmas Fair.
The book we have chosen to sponsor is Dead Ringers by Christopher Golden.
Jenny Perry, RNIB Area Fundraising Manager for the East Midlands, said: “For over 80 years RNIB’s Talking Books service has created a lifeline to the outside world.
“Thanks to the support of groups like the Rotary Club of Derby Daybreak, we can keep expanding our library, making sure people with sight loss don’t miss out on the joy of a good book.
March 2018
Fundraising at the Spice Lounge
It was another great night of fundraising when members of the club gathered at the Spice Lounge in Derby to raise money to support the club’s own charities and the chosen charity of proprietor, Shah Rahman.
Over 60 guests took their places for a superb meal created by Shah and his staff which was followed by a raffle with prizes generously donated by the restaurant itself and club members
The evening raised £930 with the proceeds being equally split between Derby Daybreak charities and Birmingham Children’s Hospital Cardiac Unit.
Many thanks must go to Club President, Sue Cook for organising the event and to Shah and his staff for creating a memorable evening.
February 2018
Derby Winter Ales Festival 2018
October 2017
Wine Tasting and Quiz
70 guests attended the club’s latest fundraising venture, a Fun Wine tasting and Quiz which was held at St. Nicholas Church Hall, Allestree.
Organised by the accomplished and knowledgeable duo, John and Jackie Beswarick from the Rotary Club of Derby, guests enjoyed tasting eight different wines whilst answering questions about the origin, grape variety, strength and price of each.
Complimenting the wines were an assortment of cheeses, paté, french bread, crackers and grapes, all of which contributed to a fulfilling and entertaining evening.
Representatives from the Rotary clubs of Derby and Bretby, also supported the event which when the final count is made, is likely to have raised almost £1,000 for local charities.
September 2017
Cakes and Sweets Stall
Our cakes and sweets stall at the Royal Derby Hospital proved to be a resounding success
A big ‘thank you’ must go to all our bakers who made such wonderful tray bakes, cup cakes, biscuits, gluten free delights, rocky roads, mars bar cakes, muffins, cornflake cakes and many more.
We did a roaring trade for staff and visitors alike and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the morning, which raised £232 towards our charities this year.
Thank you everyone
Sue Cook, President
June Green and Sue Cook with the array of cakes and sweets
September 2017
Cheque Presentations
At the CHICKS Garden handover we were pleased to present cheques to our 2016/17 nominated charities.
A cheque for £7,500 was made to our principal charity, the CHICKS Children’s Charity.
CHICKS is a fantastic charity that provides free respite breaks for disadvantaged children from across the UK, and has three holiday centres, including the Daleside Retreat near Ashbourne in Derbyshire.
PHOTO: Immediate Past President, Dave Laughlin is photographed with CHICKS Regional Fundraising Manager, Matt Nickson.
A cheque for £1,000 was made to Allan Shaw, Chairman elect of the Padley Group.
Padley is a Derby-based charity founded in 1985 working with some of the most socially excluded people in our local community with issues such as homelessness, mental health issues, drug or alcohol addiction and support for ex-offenders
PHOTO: Dave Laughlin hands over a cheque for £1,000 to Allan Shaw.
A cheque for £750 was made to Nathalie Walters, CEO of Safe & Sound.
Safe & Sound have built a strong reputation as a key provider in the bid to end sexual violence, child sexual exploitation and abuse, and are trusted by victims of sexual exploitation, their families, carers and professional agencies alike.
They provide support directly to children, young people and families in Derby and Derbyshire affected by the abuse and work to ensure that individuals receive the support they need to move forwards in their lives.
PHOTO: Dave Laughlin with Nathalie Walters
September 2017
CHICKS Garden Project
In addition to our fundraising efforts to support CHICKS, it was decided to embark on a service project to transform a number of previously unkempt and unloved gardens, which were inherited when CHICKS took control of the site.
A great number of man hours from club members and volunteers together with the generosity of local companies and individuals resulted in a wonderful transformation of the gardens into modern, tidy and well designed areas that will be used equally by volunteers and children as areas for relaxation and enjoyment.
After six months of endeavour, the Club was able to formally hand over the fruits of its labours on Sunday, 10thSeptember.
The following photographs show the gardens before the project started and the final results of the transformation.
April 2017
Pop Quiz
The 12th event in the pop quiz series was held at Belper Town Football Club where organisers Frank Pritchard and Steve Boxall masterfully engineered another superbly entertaining night.
14 teams took part in the quiz, the first half of which revolved around questions about artists and groups from each part of the British Isles.
And despite claims that the questions would be easier this time, a few us struggled to stir the memory cells into meaningful action!
A well-supported raffle topped off an enjoyable evening, which raised over £550 towards the club’s charitable causes.
April 2017
Carsington Water Walk
A gloriously sunny Sunday morning welcomed members of the club for a Sunday morning walk around beautiful Carsington Water.
Throughout the 8 miles of the walk along well maintained pathways and cycle tracks, views of the shimmering waters of the reservoir were dotted with sailing boats and people making the most of the superb spring weather.
After two half hours of the invigorating walk, members retired to the Knockerdown Country Inn and Restaurant for well deserved liquid refreshments and an enjoyable Sunday lunch.
Friends of the Royal Derby Hospital were also taking part in a sponsored walk on the same day, so a donation was made to Ward 304 to help with their efforts to improve amenities for patients.
March 2017
St. Patrick's Night Dinner
Attended by over 80 people, the guests were enthralled by Steve Judge, an inspiring individual who defeated personal adversity and major traumatic injuries into becoming a world champion para-triathlete. What a story and what a guy!
Alfie Moore was next to delight the audience with his memories and humorous stories from his time as a police officer on Humberside.
He had the guests splitting their sides at some of the anecdotes from his life with the boys in blue.
Music was provided by the exceptionally talented Extreme Cello, who ended their set with a fantastic rendition of ‘Danny Boy’ – just perfect for the evening ahead.
With a superb Irish themed thee course dinner provided by Derbyshire Catering, some impromptu singing from Mick Cox, and an excellently supported silent auction and raffle, the evening raised nearly £2,700 for CHICKS.
Thanks must go to Matt Nickson, Izzy James and Jenny Cuadrado from CHICKS and Derby Daybreak Rotary Club President, Dave Laughlin for organising this splendid occasion.
Also thanks to Belper Town Football Club for hosting the event and to Derbyshire Catering for the catering and bar service.
All set for the night ahead
Extreme Cello
President Dave Laughlin with Steve Judge and partner
Mike Collins chatting with Matt Nickson
Izzy James, Dave Laughlin, Jenny Cuadrado and Matt Nickson
Past President Gail Cox and guests
Mick Cox with his Elvis impersonation
Rotary club guests
Steve Judge and Alfie Moore
Just having a good time
February 2017
Derby Winter Ale Festival
In a drafty and often cold foyer of the Derby Roundhouse, our endurance in flying the flag for Rotary in general and our club in particular, was richly rewarded
Steve Boxall and Clark Field with their buckets
February 2017
Sports Quiz
Quizmasters Frank Pritchard and Steve Boxall
Steve presenting the trophy to the winning captain
October 2016
45th Annual Conference in Scarborough
Members of the club attended the Rotary International District 1220, 45th Annual Conference at Scarborough on 30th September to 1st October.
In addition to the diverse series of events and presentations that took place in the Scarborough Spa Centre, members also took time out to enjoy an relaxing social weekend, organised by Club President, David Laughlin.
Club President, David Laughlin toasts his year as Club President and is photographed on the steps of the Red Lea Hotel alongside, wife Pauline
Rotarians attended the Conference Dinner in the Spa Complex and lost no time at all in getting their feet under the table, or in the following photo, on the table - enough said!
September 2016
Mount Kilamanajaro Challenge - David Adams
As a member of the Derby Daybreak Rotary Club, one of the main beneficiaries of our fund raising efforts is the very worthy Derbyshire Children’s Holiday Centre in Skegness.
Over the time we have been supporting the charity I have got to understand and appreciate all of the valuable work they do in supporting disadvantaged children from across Derbyshire.
In the main, they provide a week long break at their centre in Skegness for children who are experiencing difficult times at home.
It gives the youngsters time and space to relax, make new friends and enjoy themselves in a supportive and structured environment and in the care of fully trained staff.
Recognised by the Local Education Authority as providing a Secondary Educational Experience as part of the overall education of the children who attend, it contributes to their personal and social development, giving them confidence and self-esteem, as well as providing memories that last a lifetime.
This year they are celebrating 125 years of helping children
in Derbyshire and have planned a series of fundraising events to mark the occasion, one of which is the Kilimanjaro Challenge.
Having lived in Derbyshire all of my life and having many business connections across the county I feel it right and proper to support such a worthwhile charity in my local county.
Kilimanjaro Challenge
Together with a number of other like minded people, David will be climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro which at 5,895m high, is one of the largest volcanoes to ever break through the Earth’s crust and is the world’s highest freestanding mountain.
He will be taking the Lemosho Trail to the top which starts in Tanzania and finishes 7 days later at the summit.
How will the money you raise help the charity?
The charity wants to help even more children, in today's society where the needs are acknowledged to be as great if not greater than when it was set up.
It is currently able to give 450 holidays a year but receives annually in excess of 600 referrals: children in desperate need of a holiday, the majority identified by schools and social services.
Many have suffered abuse and neglect: others come from loving, caring families who are simply currently experiencing difficult circumstances through no fault of their own.
The charity’s aim is to secure enough funding to build a reserve that will allow it to increase the available holidays to 700 a year.
That will need an extra £170,000 a year which is a big ask but the charity’s stature has grown and grown and there is confidence that it can be done.
Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Your details are safe with JustGiving - they'll never sell them on or send unwanted emails. Once you donate, they'll send your money directly to the charity. So it's the most efficient way to donate - saving time and cutting costs for the charity.
You can help David Adams raise money for this great cause by donating directly to his fundraising page here
August 2016
Derbyshire Childrens Holiday Centre
Club members paid a visit to Derbyshire Children’s Holiday Centre in Skegness, taking with them a batch of clothing for use by children who stay at the Centre.
DCHC is a charity which was established in 1891 to provide Derbyshire children having troubles in their home lives with a holiday. At the present time, it provides 450 holiday places per season.
Many children arrive with very little clothing and often the clothes they do have are too small or not suitable.
Club members have collected clothes and shoes over a six-month period for both boys and girls. The donated clothes have been in excellent condition
A free shop is available to all of the children who visit for a holiday to select clothes of their choice and the children are allowed, at the house manager’s discretion, to take the clothes they need home with them.
We are now collecting toiletries, pencils etc as well as more clothes which members will be taking to the home in October.
This is has been a special year for the Centre as they are celebrating their 125th year with their events crowned by a visit from HRH Princess Anne earlier this year.
The Centre provides a range of tailored accommodation and recreational facilities for boys and girls with bedrooms themed to reflect the interests of the children
One of the rooms for the boys is themed Desert Storm - so the decor is themed accordingly.
The other room for the boys are football themed and incorporate Derby County FC photos and they even have Rams duvet covers on the beds.
The girls’ rooms are pink ballet themed with artistic decorations on the walls.
They also have a bucking rodeo in the gymnasium.
July 2016
Cheque Presentations
The club has been proud to make cheque prenetations to its chosen charities at the end of President, Gail Cox's year of office.
Gail's main suppoirted charity was the Titan Children's Trust, who received a cheque for £31,680. Cheques of £2,300 were presented to Gaill's other charities, The Derby Padley Centre, Friends of the Special Care Baby Unit at the Derby Royal Hospital and the Briitish Heart Foundation (photo to follow)
Felix Frixou of the Titan Trust receives the cheque from Gail Cox
Kate Repton recieved the cheqe on behalf the Friends of the Special Care Baby Unit
The cheque for £2,300 was handed over to the Padley Centre
June 2016
Life Education Bus
In conjunction with the Rotary clubs of Derby and Derby South, the club jointly funded a visit from a Life Education Bus at Hardwick Primary School in Derby.
Years 4 and 5 pupils enjoyed learning all about the human body and its functions. The session was linked to the PSHE Year 4 topic, “It’s great to be me” and the Year 5 topic, “Friends”.
The children really appreciated the chance to learn about keeping healthy with Lisa using the wonderful gadgets in the life bus.
Children wrote ‘thank you’ letters to the Rotary clubs and the letter written by Baljeet, a Year 4 child is shown here
(Life Education Nottinghamshireis an independent and self-supporting branch of a national charity working in partnership with schools and the community to help children between the ages of 3 and 11 make informed healthy choices)
June 2016
Titan Music Festival
Despite the torrential rain in Duffield, the Titan Music Festival featured seven different acts, including a twenty-piece choir and our very own Elvis. The weather never put a damper on spirits with the several marquees set up doing an excellent job of keeping everyone dry.
We would like to say a huge thank you to all the acts who donated their time to perform for our guests for free.
We would also like to say a huge thank you to Okra for supplying the festival with food free-of-charge, Marston’s Brewery for supplying a fully functioning bar and 3 barrels of Kaltenberg and Pedigree and Carlsberg for also supplying a barrel of their world-famous lager.
We would like to extend our gratitude to all those volunteers that donated their time over the few days prior to the festival and during the event itself.
It was safe to say the first ever ‘Titan Music Festival’ was a huge success as we raised just under £5,000, all of which is going to provide underprivileged children with access to sport, recreation and support.
June 2016
Lees Brook School - £5 Enterprise Project
The club was delighted to sponsor the £5 Enterprise Project at Lees Brook School, Chaddesden by donating £400.00 to get the project up and running.
Each tutor group is given £5.00 and they have to come up with a range of fund raising ideas to make the £5.00 grow.
One of the main beneficiaries of this Project was the Titan Children’s Trust, set up by local businessman Felix Frixou, who was a former Lees Brook student.
The students rose to the occasion and duly rewarded the beneficiaries of the scheme, the Titan Children’s trust, with a significant return on the investment.
The picture shows Joe McColgan, Director of Community Development at Lees Brook School looking on as one of the students presentis the cheque to Club President Gail Cox.
May 2016
Titan Children's Trust - Range Rover Raffle
One of the most impressive fundraising efforts of the year was the raffle for a Range Rover car.
The car was donated by the Titan Children’s Charity, the main beneficiary of the club’s fundraising efforts during the current year.
Tickets were sold at a wide number of events throughout the year, including the Derbyshire Christmas Food & Gift Fair, the Chatsworth Country Fair, Derby County football matches and a number of other club fundraising events.
Nearly £12,000 was raised through the raffle, a fantastic effort by club members and only achieved through the generous nature of the people buying the tickets.
The winning raffle ticket for thet Range Rover was ticket 0844 and the he lucky ticket holder was Christopher Balls of Ambergate, pictured above with Felix Frixou for the Titan Children's trust and club President, Gail Cox.
May 2016
2nd Spring Charity Ball
The club hosted its 2nd Charity Spring Ball at Derbyshire Cricket Club on Saturday 14th May when almost 300 people attended a fabulous occasion which was held in support of the club’s charities, including the Titan Children’s Trust, the British Heart Foundation and Friends of the Royal Derby Hospital Baby Unit.
The event, which was staged in the stunningly lit cricket club marquee, provided a memorable night of entertainment, dancing and fun for everyone with a thoroughly enjoyable top-class meal that rounded off a perfect night.
The generosity shown by our sponsors and all the people who donated our raffle prizes and auction lots was amazing and helped us raise an incredible £22,451 on the night.
Special thanks must also go to club president Gail Cox and her organising team, who put on this fabulous night of entertainment.

March 2016
Nepal Earthquake
The Club received an update from Andrew Small from New Futures Nepal on the devastating impact of the April 2015 Nepal earthquake
9,000 people were killed and over 23,000 were injured by the earthquake that registered a magnitude of 7.8Mw on the Richter Scale.
The earthquake also triggered an avalanche on Mount Everest; killing 21 people and making 25 April 2015 the deadliest day in history on the mountain.
Hundreds of thousands of people were rendered homeless with entire villages flattened and with the prospects of more earthquakes to come, the country is in desperate need of relief funding.
The club has agreed to donate a further £1,000 to New Futures Nepal to help the organisation to continue with its relief efforts in the country.
Photo: Club President Gail Cox presenting a cheque for £1,000 to Andrew Small from New Futures Nepal
February 2016
2016 CAMRA National Winter Ales Festival
Club president Gail Cox thanked club members who volunteered to collect money at the National Winter Ales Festival held at the Roundhouse, Derby.
Gail commented, “We raised a total of £3765.29 - a fantastic result for our hours of aching feet, cold hands, shaking buckets and lots of laughs and banter.
“This was a memorable end to our three years of collecting at what has been a great event for Derby”.
Photo 1: Rotarian Mike Matthews and colleague collecting at the Festival
Photo 2: Club President Gail Cox (right), Rotarian Martin Hough, Festival organiser Gillian Hough (second left) and representatives from Macmillan Cancer Support seen here with the cheque for funds raised at the event
January 2016
Lees Brook Community School

We have started to work with Lees Brook Community School to form closer community links between the club and the school.
Our current President, Gail Cox is a former pupil at the school and during her year as President, one of her aims is to put something back into the school she attended for the benefit of our current students.
As a result we have set up a joint Mentoring Programme for a small number of Year 10 students.
The aim of the programme is to allow students to begin the process of looking ahead to what they would like to do in the future in terms of their further and higher education and possible career.
Each student will be assigned a Mentor who is a member of the Rotary Club. The Rotary members come from a range of professional backgrounds in areas like the health profession, accountancy, property development, pharmacy, IT, animal care, hotel management and business owners.
They all have a wealth of experience of work and life and have offered to share this with students to help them aspire to aim as high as they can in the future. It will be a wonderful opportunity for students to work with local people who have been very successful in their careers and businesses.
The Club will also sponsor this year’s £5 Enterprise Project by donating £400.00 to get the project up and running.
This is the third year the school have run this project, which raises money for local and national charities. Each tutor group is given £5.00 and they then have to come up with a range of fund raising ideas to make the £5.00 grow.
One of the local charities that the project will support this year is the Titan Children’s Trust, set up by local businessman Felix Frixou, Managing Director of Benz Bavarian in Duffield.
Felix, who is also a former Lees Brook student, set up the Trust to support disadvantaged children across the East Midlands by giving them the opportunity to access recreational and sporting activities as well as outdoor residential education.
The Trust hopes to raise £1 million over the next 10 years to support these young people.
December 2015
Padley Centre - Meat Collection
Members of the club organised a meat collection for the Padley Centre, a Derby-based charity founded in 1985, which delivers services to people with complex needs.to some of the most socially excluded people in the local community.
These include people who are homeless, some with mental health or learing disability issues, drug or alcohol addiction, long-term unemployment, support for ex-offenders and those with needs related to rebuilding a shattered life.
The Centre strives to support people struggling to move on from difficult pasts, working to build their self-confidence and allowing them to move on and grow. Padley also provides a safe environment for people who are at risk in society.
The meat collection (pictured right) with one of the Centre's volunteer chefs will go a long way to provIding meals for those people who will be looked after by Padley over the Christmas period.
November 2015
Derbyshire Christmas Food and Gift Fair
Members of the club braved wet and windy weather at the Derbyshire Christmas Food & Gift Fair, which was held on 28th and 29th
November in the spectacular grounds of the National Trust owned Kedleston Hall, near Derby.With a Santa’s sleigh, a sing-a-long a Santa and raffle ticket sales for our donated Range Rover, we raised £853 towards our nominated charities.
Although the weather was grim our volunteers remained in full voice and relatively dry and Santa and his little helpers did a great job despite our gazebo taking off in the high winds.
November 2015
Steve Boxall receives Paul Harris Fellow Award
It was with great pleasure that former Club President (twice), Steve Boxall was recently presented with his Paul Harris Fellow Award.
In presenting the award to Steve, President Gail Cox praised his outstanding service to the Rotary Club of Derby Daybreak and said that the award could not have been more deserving.
Steve is a founder member of the Derby Daybreak Rotary Club and has served the club unstintingly throughout his time with the club.
The Paul Harris Fellow Award is the highest honour a club can bestow on a person and acknowledges outstanding contributions made by individuals to the community, within and outside Rotary.
October 2015
Padley Centre Kitchen Refurbished
Members of the Club were pleased to have been involved in fully renovating one of the kitchens at the Padley Centre, the Becket Street home of Derby’s leading homeless charity.
With a generous donation of materials by Howden’s Joinery Company, Rotary member Martin Hough and Club President’s partner Mick Cox got to work on totally refurbishing the kitchen that was outdated and had fallen into a state of disrepair after 30 years of continued use.
Their efforts were rewarded when the High Sheriff of Derbyshire, Oliver Stephenson, paid a visit to the Centre to present Padley with the Queens Award for Voluntary Service, the highest award given for voluntary services in the UK.
Whilst there, the High Sheriff formally opened the new kitchen and he commended Martin and Mick on their superb efforts to bring the kitchen up to modern standards.
This was a great example of how Rotary can help organisations in a practical way rather than just in the usual fundraising areas.
(Photo. The High Sheriff of Derbyshire, Oliver Stephenson)
October 2015
44th Annual Conference in Southport
Menbers of the club attended the Rotary International District 1220 44th Annual Conference at Southport on 2nd-4th October.
In addition to the fantastic series of events and presentations that took place in the Theatre and Convention Centre, members also took time out to enjoy a superb social weekend, expertly organised by Club President, Gail Cox.
Club President Gail Cox and Senior Vice President Dave Laughlin
Members posing in the Bandstand for their formal portrait
Members behaving badly (just for a change!)
July 2015
Clark Field receives Paul Harris Fellowship Award
It was with great pleasure that at our meeting on 2nd July, our former club president, Clark Field was presented with the Paul Harris Fellow Award.
In presenting the award to Clark, immediate past President Frank Pritchard praised his outstanding service to the Rotary Club of Derby Daybreak and also to local and international charities for which he has worked tirelessly to raise funds and enhance the lives of those less fortunate.
The Paul Harris Fellow Award is the highest honour a club can bestow on a person and acknowledges outstanding contributions made by individuals to the community, within and outside Rotary.
June 2015
Derbyshire Children's Holiday Centre
Members of the Club paid a visit to the Derbyshire Children's Holiday Centre in Skegness to hand over a cheque for £14,000, which will cover the food costs for the Centre for a whole year.
It was a memorable day with the children at the Centre and even more so for those Club members who made the trip over tho the East Coast.
David Harris, Fundraising Officer for the Centre, paid tribute to the work of the Derby Daybreak Rotary Club and to Club President Frank Pritchard, saying "Thanks for the wonderful donation and also please thank all of your members for all their hard work in fundraising over the past 12 months.
"Also a special thnak you to you Frank, for your leadership and for adopting the Holday Centre as your main fundraising campaign during your presidency".
Club President Frank Pritchard, Jinny Harris, Ali Bierley (Centre Manageress), David Harris (Centre Fundrasing Officer) and Brenda Adams with the £14,000 cheque.
May 2015
Mapleton Ramble
Members of the club enjoyed a 6 mile ramble across the beautiful Derbyshire countryside culminating in a fantastic Sunday lunch at the Okeover Arms.
With the weather holding fair after an overcast start to the day, the intrepid walkers followed the path of the River Dove before crossing the county border into Staffordshire and climbing to reach the magnificent Blore Hall.
A gradual descent through the parklands of the Okeover estate, passing the Grade II listed Okeover Hall with its own church, the party returned to the Okeover Arms in Mapleton to share a well- earned meal and a pint or two of the local brew.
Some of the members of the group pose for a photo at the gates of the Okeover Hall estate
Oh, and a spot of sheep shearing was viewed on the way (with a very interested young spectator in the foreground)
February 2015
2015 CAMRA National Winter Ales Festival
The club is thrilled to have raised in excess of £3,250 at the the 2015 CAMRA National Winter Ales Festival held at the historic Derby Roundhouse.
Having been given the go ahead by the organisers for undertake a bucket collection for the second year in succession, the initiative proved to be outstandingly successful with the collection raising £3,255 for the club's 2015 nominated charity, the Derbyshire Children's Holiday Centre at Skegness.
Club President Frank Pritchard expressed his delight at the level of money raised for the cause.
"I just want to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who came along and rattled buckets, cajoled the visitors, and kept the banter and camaraderie going throughout.
"£3255 is a really significant amount of money, which will be going to a very worthy cause.
"Well done everyone".
Picture: Rotarians David Laughlin, Brenda Adams and Gil Green are pictured with the Beer King
October 2014
District 1220 Conference Weekend
Venue Cymru in Llandudno for a weekend of fun and fellowship, with excellent speakers, entertainment, food and the occasional tipple!
Here are just a few of the images of a memorable weekend.

The President with SVP, Gail Cox and JVP, Dave Laughlin
President Frank Pritchard and partner Carole
Frank, Carole and the crew in their Sunday best
Steve Boxall is the centre of attention again
Preparing for a night out .... ... and for a daytime refreshment session
Oh, and there was some great scenery too
A couple of old goats
September 2014
Brenda Adams presented with Paul Harris Fellow Award
It was with great pleasure that at our meeting on 11th September, our immediate past president, Brenda Adams was presented with the Paul Harris Fellow Award.
In presenting the award to Brenda, District Governor Steve Lawes praised her outstanding service to the Rotary Club of Derby Daybreak and to the local community.
In Brenda's year of office, the Derby Daybreak Rotary Club raised over £35,000 for charitable causes, including the presentation of a new incubator to the Special Care Baby Unit at the Royal Derby Hospital
The Paul Harris Fellow Award is the highest honour a club can bestow on a person and acknowledges outstanding contributions made by individuals to the community, within and outside Rotary.
July 2014
New Incubator for Baby Unit
Taking on the Three Peaks Challenge, organising a charity ball and a challenge to turn £1 into £50 have all helped raise money for a new incubator at the Royal Derby Hospital.
Members of the Derby Daybreak Rotary Club have spent the past year collecting money for several good causes, including Derby's Friends of the Baby Unit charity.
The good causes were selected by president Brenda Adams during her year in office and, over 12 months, members raised more than £30,000 - a record.
It meant volunteers at the Friends of the Baby Unit could use the money to buy the incubator for the neonatal intensive care unit at the hospital for £16,500.
The rest has been split between Derby's Padley Centre, the Rotary International's End Polio Now campaign and the New Futures Nepal charity, which supports disadvantaged people in the south-Asian country.
Outgoing president Brenda said: "Everybody really pulled together to raise this money and I think it's brought us closer together as a group. I was particularly impressed with the £1 challenge. Almost everyone managed to turn it into £50 and many raised much more.
"Our incoming president, Frank Pritchard, managed to change his into £970 by going on BBC Radio 2's Popmaster quiz and getting sponsored for each point he scored.
"We selected the Friends of the Baby Unit as one of our charities because there's been a fair few members over the years whose children were cared for there.
"I do remember people looking at me like I had two heads when I told them how much we had to raise for the incubator but everyone really rallied."
Other fund-raising events included the Baby Ball in May, while 15 members of the Rotary club took on the Three Peaks Challenge in June.
Kate Repton, chairman and founder of the Friends of the Baby Unit, said there were about 10 incubators, including the new one, at the hospital.
She said the charity was always grateful for donations for new incubators because, as well as wanting new ones, the existing incubators also need replacing when they become obsolete.
Kate said: "We're delighted by the support from the Derby Daybreak Rotary Club because this is such an important piece of equipment.
"There are so many charities out there, locally, nationally and internationally, which deserve support, so we are grateful to have been chosen.
"The incubator is already being used and, when you see what a difference these pieces of equipment make to these babies' lives, you can understand how vital they are.
Source & Photo: Derby Telegraph
June 2014
3 Peaks Challenge
Members endured an arduous sponsored climb involving scaling the peaks of Ben Nevis (14,455 feet), Scafell Pike (10,518 feet) and Mount Snowden (11,680 feet) in the space of 24 hours over the weekend of 21st and 22nd June.
Sponsored for their efforts, the proceeds from will be used for the Incubator appeal for the Friends of the Derby Hospitals Baby Unit
Needless to say, we are all very pleased and proud of their efforts
A montage of photographs of the climb are set out below.
ne 2014
New Futures Nepal
Derby Daybreak Rotary Club continue to support NEW Futures Nepal, a Charity Registered in the UK and based in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Their Hope Centre is home to a growing number of disabled and orphaned children and young adults. Funds raised by the club have supported ongoing improvements and maintenance requirements of the centre as well as the Sponsor a Child scheme.
Andrew Small, a Director with New Futures Nepal, was presented with a cheque for £1,500 by President Brenda Adams at a recent club meeting.
This will go to continue to support the education and well-being of Sabin Gurung under their Sponsor a Child scheme.
May 2014
Baby Ball
This was the major fundraising event of the year. It was a terrific night to remember with guests enjoying a champagne reception and first class three course meal during which they were entertained by soloist Mitch Corner.
After the meal, guests danced the night away to the sounds of the magnificent ‘The Roadsters. For those for which dancing wasn't their ‘cup of tea' they were able to try their luck at the casino tables. Spot prizes and beautiful ladies encouraged guests to spend their ‘Monopoly Money'.
Over £12,000 was raised on the night - a truly remarkable achievement!
The ladies in their finery
February 2014
Derby Beer Festival
Change given by thousands of people leaving the Beer Festival will help change the lives of new born babies in Derby.
Thanks to the generosity of many of the people attending the National Winter Ales Festival held at the Roundhouse Derby Daybreak Rotary Club received a welcome contribution towards the cost of a new incubator.
‘Donations given by the public as they left amounted to a fantastic £3,600 and will move us significantly towards our charitable target of £15,000 for the year to June 2014' said club
President Brenda Adams.‘We are very grateful to CAMRA and in particular the Festival organising committee for inviting us to be present throughout the Festival'.Kate Repton, Chair of the Friends of the Baby Unit at Derby Royal Hospital, said ‘We know that the additional incubator will be used by many of the babies needing support in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the hospital.
"We never expected to achieve this amount. It shows the generosity of a wide range of Festival goers for this great local cause, Cheers!"
September 2013
September Socks
We received a cry for help from our member, Gary Spencer who is also a volunteer at the Padley Day Centre where they are completely out of socks!
As the winter approaches a good supply of socks is ever more important. Therefore we decided that our local charity collection for September should be socks for Padley. Within a few days, over 100 pairs of socks were on their way to Padley!
April 2013
Start of updating and refreshing the news.
July 2010
Fabulous 'Charioake' evening at Pride Park Stadium on Friday 9 July 2010. 250 people enjoyed an amazing evening of music and good food and helped us raise over £3,600 for our charities.
June 2010
Nicky Smith inducted as club president and a new Daybreak year begins
Nicky Smith has begun the new Rotary year promising a fun-filled year, continuing Daybreak's proud tradition of being 'a club with a difference'. (See 'This year's charities' and 'More about us' sections on this website).
June 2010
HISTORIC NEWS - Derby Daybreak wins the final of the District 1220 10 pin bowling competition!
After a memorable match at Ilkeston on the 16 June against a very able team from Wirksworth, the six strong Daybreak team, supported by several cheerleaders, eventually emerged victorious by a good margin having been 3 points down at half-time! Special congratulations to Gil on his '3 strikes finale'!
Well done team! And thanks to to organisers and all who took part. We are very proud indeed to hold the trophy.
Picture taken on the night to be added soon. (This one was taken at the match vs Retford.)
March 2010
Following the huge success of the charity concert at Derby Cathedral, President Cedric Blakey was proud to present a cheque for £8,500 to the Nightingale Macmillan Unit at the Royal Derby Hospital on behalf of the club.
February 2010
Many thanks for all who came to the gala Concert on 30th January 2010 with opera star Deborah Berioli and the Dalesmen Male Voice Choir. £7,936 was raised for the good causes - thank you to everyone who bought tickets, gave the raffle prizes and made other generous donations.
A professional recording of Deborah Berioli's singing is available on CD ('Italian and French Art Songs' 16 tracks, songs by Scarlatti, Lotti, Gluck, Faure, Debussy, Bizet and others. With pianist Thomas Carlo Bo. Recorded in New York, 2009) £10 each. Email c.blakey@btinternet.com if you would like a copy .
To see the full gallery of the event click this link to Jon Wollard's excellent photos
'It's a Grand Night for Singing' (Rogers/Hammerstein) - Joint item Deborah Berioli and the Dalesmen
The Dalesmen: 'The Rose', 'My Way', 'Tydi a Roddiast', 'Love is all around', 'Christus Salvator'
Deborah Berioli: 'Porgi amor' and 'Dove Sono' from Mozart's Figaro, and 'Non mi dir' from Don Giovanni
Joint Item: 'You'll never walk alone' (Rogers/Hammerstein)
Organ solo performed by Ben Bloor, Derby Cathedral organ scholar: 'Toccata' by Georgy Mushel
Deborah Berioli: 'Ebben? ne andro lontana' from Cataloni's La Wally, 'Tacea la notte placida' from Verdi's Il Travatore
The Dalesmen: 'Dashenka', 'My Derbyshire', 'Three Times a Lady', 'Llanfair', 'Take me home', 'American Trilogy'
Joint item: ' You Raise Me Up' (Graham/Lovland)
Llandudno District Conference 2009
President prepares to go into the fray.


April 2016
April 2017
September 2017 Cheque Presentations At the CHICKS Garden handover we were pleased to present cheques to our 2016/17 nominated charities. CHICKS A cheque for £7,500 was made to our principal charity, the CHICKS Children’s Charity. CHICKS is a fantastic charity that provides free respite breaks for disadvantaged children from across the UK, and has three holiday centres, including the Daleside Retreat near Ashbourne in Derbyshire. PHOTO: Immediate Past President, Dave Laughlin is photographed with CHICKS Regional Fundraising Manager, Matt Nickson. PADLEY A cheque for £1,000 was made to Allan Shaw, Chairman elect of the Padley Group. Padley is a Derby-based charity founded in 1985 working with some of the most socially excluded people in our local community with issues such as homelessness, mental health issues, drug or alcohol addiction and support for ex-offenders PHOTO: Dave Laughlin hands over a cheque for £1,000 to Allan Shaw. SAFE & SOUND A cheque for £750 was made to Nathalie Walters, CEO of Safe & Sound. Safe & Sound have built a strong reputation as a key provider in the bid to end sexual violence, child sexual exploitation and abuse, and are trusted by victims of sexual exploitation, their families, carers and professional agencies alike. They provide support directly to children, young people and families in Derby and Derbyshire affected by the abuse and work to ensure that individuals receive the support they need to move forwards in their lives. PHOTO: Dave Laughlin hands over a cheque for £750 to Nathalie Walters
Our principle charity during the year was CHICKS, a fantastic charity that provides free respite breaks for disadvantaged children from across the UK, and has three holiday centres, including the Daleside Retreat near Ashbourne.
Food is generously donated from many people and organisations within the City, and they have a number of volunteers who support them with the hot and cold food preparation on a regular basis. Since starting in May 2015, Doorsteps Derby has built up a close bond with many of the people who need their support through taking time just to listen to what they want to tell them.
February 2020